How To Disable Automatic Updates In Windows 11 Permanently #2023

Every month Microsoft launches new updates for the Windows operating system to fix bugs and upgrade the performance and sometimes add new features. However, this process keeps the system always updating to the latest version. But this feature has been frustrating for the Quality Control department since they have been questioned about this.

This is annoying because it requires one to restart the whole system in order to update the OS.  And also sometimes there are a number of bugs that badly affect the system.

Although, It is recommended to keep your system up to date with the latest version. But you probably have a good reason to stop these automatic windows 11 updates and think about  “How to disable automatic Windows 11 updates permanently “. Fortunately, Windows 11 includes an option to disable automatic updates with different available methods. This post is a complete guide about “How to Stop automatic windows 11 update  “  with methods like Group Policy,  Registry & by using the Settings.

1: Disable With Settings (Not a Permanent solution )

When you attempt to disable specific updates then you can then you don’t need to disable them permanently. There is an option in the settings which can help you stop the updates for a specific period of time. 

Follow the below instruction to do it.

  • Go to the Settings
  • Navigate to the ” Windows Updates” 
  • Click on the “Pause Update ” option where you can disable the automatic updates from 2 weeks up to 5 weeks.

Once you are done. Then Windows 11 will not automatically update your system until the provided period of time.

2: Disable with Group Policy ( A Permanent Way)

The Windows 11 Pro and other higher options provide the users the functionality to utilize the “Group Policy Editor”.  Which which can help you disable the automatic updates in Windows 11 permanently. 

Here is how to do it.

  • Click on “ Start Menu” 
  • Search ” gpedit.msc” and Select the top result to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Now go to the below path
  • Computer configuration> Administrative templates> Windows components> Windows update > Manage end user experience
  • You will find the Configure Automatic Updates option on the right side
  • Double click on it and Disable the option which will turn off the automatic updates permanently in Windows 11
  • Once done Click on Apply Button.
  • And then Click on OK.

You can also Enable the Updates again by following the same instructions and selecting the Enable option.

3: Disable With Registry 

You can utilize the Windows 11 registry in separate ways to Disable the Automatic updates in Windows 11.

Note: Attempting to edit the registry is risky. And it can cause your system serious damage if you don’t perform it well. Before Starting make a complete backup of your computer or laptop.


Follow the below steps to disable 

    • Click on Start Menu
    • Type   ” regedit ‘ in the search bar and click on it
    • Go to the following path
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWEAR\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
  • Click on the Windows directory and select the submenu that appeared as New
  • Select the options written as Key
  • Rename the newly created key as WindowsUpdate and press the Enter key
  • Now click on the key which was created newly, and select the option as Key 
  • Write the key name as AU and press the Enter Key 
  • Select the AU key by right-clicking and chose the New submenu 
  • Then select the DWORD(32it) option 
  • Name the latest key as NoAutoUpdate & press the Enter key.
  • Change the value of the new key by double-clicking and set the value from 0 – 1.
  • Select the OK button 
  • And in the end, Restart your machine

Once you have followed all of the instructions. Then the automatic updates in Windows 11 will be disabled permanently. Yet you can still check for updates by navigating to the Check For Updates button in windows settings.

You can also undo the settings by clicking on the WindowsUpdate key.  And clicking on the Delete option. Once done restart the system and your settings will be the same as before.